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Large full range 3 way centre speaker designed to give an extraordinary performance. Normal and wide versions.
Price: $2,810 Gloss $350
C3 Wide shown
The Osborn "C3" was designed and constructed with little compromise in order to obtain the highest possible sound quality. The only criteria in the choice of components, materials, size and cost is the achievement of the ultimate sound quality, in order to match whichever other Osborn Loudspeakers are used as the main speakers, in a Home Theater system. We believe that our design goals have been realised with this speaker. The C3 is ideal for the heavy demands placed on a center speaker by Dolby Digital. The cabinet is constructed from 32 mm Customwood instead of the usual 18 mm Chipboard used by other Center Speaker manufacturers. There is also heavy bracing from the front to back and from top to bottom on either side of the tweeter. This ensures that the output of the rear of the Bass Driver is more thoroughly isolated from the sound emitted from the speaker itself. Any spurious cabinet vibrations will result in a loss of definition and sonic purity.
Several of the world's best speakers were used as references in the design of' these speakers. We believe that the sound quality of these speakers is superior to all the references anywhere near their price and size. The drive units were chosen from the best available from around the world for unrivalled speed and accuracy. As a result, a level of transparency comparable to the rest of the range of Osborn Loudspeakers has been achieved.
Many center speaker manufacturers attempt to cram as many cheap drivers as possible into a cabinet of a given size, so that prospective buyers are impressed by the apparent complexity of the speaker. This defeats the purpose of such a speaker. A driver with a low frequency cut off of say, 75 Hz, still has a 75 Hz lower limit if 2, 4 or even six drivers are used. The use of so many drivers causes phase, impedance and other problems as each driver madly interferes with each other. A smeared image also results, when one of the main requirements of a center speaker is to locate voices nearer to the viewing area. The Osborn C3 use a single, very high quality tweeter and a super quality Utopia 6" W cone mid/bass with a Neodymium magnet, and a 7" bass driver with a Neoflex cone. A 3 way crossover is used with one driver functioning as a mid/bass and the other as a bass driver, which results in a more dynamic speaker with superior bass extension. These speakers are flat to 35 Hz and have usable bass to well under 30 Hz. This allows for the entire range of human voices to be easily reproduced.
The crossovers use some of the best components attainable. The capacitors are imported from the USA, and the inductors are wound in-house, as none are available commercially which meet our criteria. Each crossover is hard wired with quality Datalink ultra high speed, ultra wide bandwidth cable.
The speaker is designed to be placed under your Television. The cabinet is exceptionally strong and is able to easily withstand the weight of the heaviest Televisions. The timber finish of your choice is optional.
The C3 and C@ Wide are available for people requiring a wider less deep speaker. The sound is identical from both.
SPEAKER DIMENSIONS: 210 (h) X 440 (d) X 650 (w) mm.
C3 Wide 210 (h) X 270 (d) X 770 (w) mm.
EFFICIENCY: 92 dB for 1 watt at 1 meter.
FREQUENCY RESPONSE: 35 to 19000 Hz +/- 2 db. -10dB points 35 and 21000 Hz.
CROSSOVER POINTS: 125 and 3700 Hz @ 6 dB/Octave.
Rec. Max: 100 W/Channel.
Rec. Min. 20 W/Channel or as per requirements.
The above specifications show why this speaker is capable of such extraordinary transient performance yet reveals such intimate detail in the music. This fidelity is possible due to the fine tolerances and light weight of the driver voice coils. This minimal compromise design allows the natural life and excitement of the original live performance to be faithfully reproduced.

25mm fabric dome with an optimally shaped dome and a wide SONOMEX surround. Low viscosity magnetic fluid which provides excellent cooling while maintaining a low resonance frequency. 6 mm solid metal front plate with a slight loading characteristic which ensures linear frequency response, and a stiff and stable connection to the cabinet. A double magnet system, with a substantial injection-moulded rear chamber, with complex internal shape and reinforcing ribs, which eliminate unwanted chamber resonances and reflections.

180mm Patented Sandwich Paper Cone. 42mm voice coil with Neodymium magnet.

Bass Driver
189​ mm Nextel coated paper. 39 mm voice coil. Moving mass 13.7 g. Driver weight 2.5Kg. each. Resonant Frequency 40 Hz.
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