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Proudly made in Australia for more than 30 years.
Now in 16 countries.
Speaker and
Interconnect cables
We're so confident you'll love Osborn cables that we offer a lifetime money-back guarantee if you find a better sounding cable at any price. These cables are an absolute must-have for anyone serious about hifi and quality sound.

Osborn Silverlink Interconnects
Incredibly detailed and neutral solid silver interconnects
Direct: 1m pair: $350 | 1.5m pair: $430 | 2m pair: $520
Osborn Silverlink is the result of several years of careful experimenting with many different types of cabling and insulation materials. Silverlink is made from pure extruded silver wire which is specially made for Osborn Loudspeakers. It is extruded into one continual length. Many reference cables up to $6,000 per pair were used as comparisons during the selection phase. Neither I, nor any of my customers have yet found an interconnect to match the performance of the Silverlink. Silver Interconnects often suffer from a brittle top end and a restricted bass performance. The sonic purity, transparency, inner detail and soundstage of the Silverlink is extraordinary.
Osborn Loudspeakers guarantee a lifetime refund of the purchase price in full of any Osborn Silverlink cables which are returned to us if you find a better sounding Interconnect at any price.
(Unless cable has been damaged beyond normal wear or taken apart)
Customer Feedback:
Hi Greg,
Re: the interconnects - what can I say, I think they are a bargain given their performance! My others were pretty good (and probably cost about the same a couple of years ago) but I was not prepared for the difference. I was expecting improvements in the higher frequencies but was not prepared for the way they tightened up and improved low frequencies. Lot more detail everywhere, seem "faster" but very musical - sensational with a good SACD disc. They are a great match for my setup and should be compulsory for anyone purchasing any of your sources!
Richard F
Hi Greg
This Email to give you a feedback on your cables
I’m truly satisfied by the result.
Close to fantastic to my ears !
Thank you for keeping them at decent price :-)
All the best
Alain (France)

Osborn Silverlink XLR Balanced Interconnects
Incredibly detailed and neutral solid silver XLR Balanced interconnects
Direct: 1m pair: $350 | 1.5m pair: $430 | 2m pair: $520
Osborn Silverlink is the result of several years of careful experimenting with many different types of cabling and insulation materials. Silverlink is made from pure extruded silver wire which is specially made for Osborn Loudspeakers. It is extruded into one continual length. Many reference cables up to $6,000 per pair were used as comparisons during the selection phase. Neither I, nor any of my customers have yet found an interconnect to match the performance of the Silverlink. Silver Interconnects often suffer from a brittle top end and a restricted bass performance. The sonic purity, transparency, inner detail and soundstage of the Silverlink is extraordinary in both XLR and Single Ended interconnects..
Osborn Loudspeakers guarantee a lifetime refund of the purchase price in full of any Osborn Silverlink cables which are returned to us if you find a better sounding Interconnect at any price.
(Unless cable has been damaged beyond normal wear or taken apart)

Osborn Datalink Speaker Cable
Single wire or internally bi-wired
Direct: 2.5m pair: $290 | 3m pair: $350 ($50 per half meter pair over 3m)
Osborn Datalink is the result of nearly 10 years of listening to cables. It is an extreme bandwidth, ultra high speed data transfer cable which has been very carefully selected and configured for unmatched neutrality, soundstage and dynamic range. I have found competing audio cables to match its sonic characteristics, but not under 10 times the Datalink's price. In nearly 4 years of making this exact cable, we have yet to have one returned. We are completely confident in offering the guarantee listed below.
The cable normally comes internally bi-wired, with two plugs at the amplifier end, and four plugs at the speaker ends. This is especially effective as the configuration and internal twist cancels the magnetic fields generated within the wire. It is also available with spades, or as a combination of spades one end and banana plugs at the other. It is also available as a normal stereo pair with two plugs, or spades at each end. The banana plugs were designed for laboratory measuring equipment are are extremely high quality. (They are not self locking.)
Osborn Loudspeakers guarantee a lifetime refund of the purchase price in full of any Osborn Datalink cables which are returned to us, if you are not completely satisfied, or if you find a better sounding Interconnect, at any price. (Unless damaged beyond normal wear or taken apart)
Feed Back:
Hello Greg. I wanted to let you know that I received the cables. Moreover, they are shaping up to be one of the best investments that I have made in the, often frustrating, pursuit of satisfying this obsession. Sincerely Thank you. Sean
Hi Greg. This Email to give you a feedback on your cables.
I’m truly satisfied by the result.
Close to fantastic to my ears !
Thank you for keeping them at decent price :-)
All the best
Alain (France)