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The Epitome, especially in the subwoofer (Bass Units) version comes close to being the mythically perfect speaker system that has it all; open transparency, exciting dynamics, great loudness capability, clean Purity, wide frequency range, and very good stereo imaging. (J.Peter Moncreiff. International Audio Review. USA)
Let me say this about the speakers. The Epitomes sound very good by themselves, but a transformation takes place when the subs are added, and it's more than just an added octave of bass. I've added subs before, but nothing like this has ever happened before. With the subs the midrange opens up, midrange tonal colors appear with such abundance it's as if I had been listening in black and white. Dynamic contrasts take on an ease that is natural and neutral - what an accomplishment. I've heard some great speakers in the past, but these are over the top. And I'm a pretty jaded guy. Congrats.
(Bound for Sound Report
Martin G. DeWulf )
Direct Price:
Direct Price: Epitome - $5,945
Epitome & Bass Units - $9,730
Epitome Reference - $10,630
Epitome Reference & Bass Units - $14,250 .
Epitome Reference Elite - $12,990.
Epitome Reference Elite & Bass Units - $17,490. Per pair.
"Very few loudspeakers at any price can match the transparency, detail, dynamics, weight and sheer power of this combination".
The Osborn Epitome has been one of our biggest sellers for over 20m years, and has consistently outperformed speakers costing 20 times as much. Because of the extraordinary improvement in sound quality, when the optional Bass Units were added, around 75% of customers opted for them. The only people, who did not, did so for either financial, spousal, or space problems. Because of this, and because of the enthusiasm that has greeted the Eclipse Tower and the Pinnacle, we decided to finish of the Tower range by introducing the Epitome Tower. The Epitome Tower is pretty well a slightly scaled down Monument, to accommodate the 10" bass drivers, instead of the 13" drivers used in the Monument. This results in a slimmer and elegant piece of cabinetry, which is actually 2cm slimmer than the Epitome, whist retaining the same height as the Eclipse Tower. This gives it the performance of the Epitome and Bass Unit combination, whist only taking up the same floor space as the Epitome alone.
The Osborn Epitome is one of the finest speakers in the world, with unmatched speed and transient attack. But in the tower version the performance becomes extraordinary. The dynamics, bass, transparency and sheer power becomes unmatched by virtually any other speaker at any price. Very few other speakers can deliver the whole weight, power and authority of a full symphony orchestra. From the tinkle of the tiniest bell to the blast of a brass cannon, to the depth of a giant 32 foot pipe organ, like this speaker can. Transparency, dynamic contrasts, and detail are transformed over the Epitome alone, and of course the bass becomes unsurpassed in speed, power, depth and detail. The sound stage is also greatly enhanced in both width and depth and in the pin point imaging.
Several of the world's best speakers were used as references in the design of these speakers. We believe that the sound quality of these speakers is superior to all the references.
The drive units were chosen from the best available from around the world for unrivalled speed and accuracy. As a result, a level of transparency comparable to the best Electrostatic speakers has been achieved.
The crossovers use the best components attainable. The capacitors are imported from America and the inductors are wound in-house as none are available commercially which meet our criteria. Each crossover is hard wired with specially selected ultra wide bandwidth, ultra high speed data transfer cable and weighs about 9 kilograms.
Only the best quality Turntable/CD Player and Amplifiers were used in the design of these speakers. High quality timber veneers are used on these speakers. Standard finishes are Jarrah and Bubinga. The cabinets are shaped using high precision, computer controlled milling equipment. All models are constructed from 32 mm Customwood and are heavily braced. The Grand Epitome Tower is also fully lined with a felt/lead/felt sandwich as used on the Grand Monument Reference. Both models are exceptionally heavy, solid and are acoustically inert. High quality natural timber veneers are used, and every cabinet is carefully hand finished to ensure a superb quality finish which will grace any living room.
These speakers have a number of outstanding features - the ability to separate instruments and place them firmly and accurately on a sound stage of uncanny width and depth: The instruments retain their correct pitch, tone and shimmer: Dynamic range and speed unmatched by any speaker in any price range and the ability for drums to retain their impact and depth.
Epitome Tower Specifications:

Tweeter (For Reference Epitome)
29mm soft dome tweeter with a high efficiency ring magnet consisting of 6 radial neodymium magnets.

Tweeter (For Epitome)
25mm fabric dome with an optimally shaped dome and a wide SONOMEX surround. Low viscosity magnetic fluid which provides excellent cooling while maintaining a low resonance frequency. 6 mm solid metal front plate with a slight loading characteristic which ensures linear frequency response, and a stiff and stable connection to the cabinet. A double magnet system, with a substantial injection-moulded rear chamber, with complex internal shape and reinforcing ribs, which eliminate unwanted chamber resonances and reflections.

Mid Range
180mm Patented Sandwich Paper Cone. 42mm voice coil with Neodymium magnet.

260 mm Nextel coated paper. 51 mm voice coil. Moving mass 51.5 g. Driver weight 4.5Kg. Resonant Frequency 31 Hz.
1 / 1
SPEAKER DIMENSIONS: 1160(Bass 770) X 380 X 440mm.
Epitome - 68 Kg. Bass Unit 42 Kg.
Reference Epitome 91 Kg. Reference Epitome bass 62 Kg.
EFFICIENCY: 91db for 1 watt at 1 meter. 93db with Bass Units
FREQUENCY RESPONSE: Reference Epitome - 20 to 25000 Hz. Tweeter accuracy throughout operating range +0/-1db. Usable bass to 8 Hz.
Epitome: 20 to 18000 Hz +/- 3 db. -10 db points 15 Hz and 21000Hz. Usable bass to 8 Hz.
CROSSOVER POINTS 125 Hz and 3500 Hz @ 12 db/Octave. Bass Unit @ 60 Hz.
MINIMUM IMPEDANCE: 6 Ohm or 4 Ohm. (With Bass Units)
REC. MAXIMUM POWER: 200 Watts R.M.S per Channel. More with caution.
REC. MINIMUM POWER: 10 Watts R.M.S per Channel.
The above specifications show why these speakers are capable of such extraordinary transient performance and yet reveal such intimate detail in the music. This fidelity is possible due to the fine tolerances and light weight of the driver weight and voice coils.
The Grand Epitome Tower Reference features heavy lead lining to all exterior surfaces. The same heavy bracing is used, but all areas between the bracing are covered by a unique sandwich lining. Heavy acoustic felt is used to separate the heavy lead sheet from the cabinetry. A further layer of heavy acoustic felt is placed over the lead and the entire sandwich is stapled to the walls of the cabinet. This result is what is effectively a box within a box. Wrapping the outside of the speaker is similar to knocking on a brick. This totally inert cabinet construction results in the ultimate sound reproduction.
The Epitome Reference features heavy lead lining to all exterior surfaces. The same heavy bracing is used, but all areas between the bracing are covered by a unique sandwich lining. Heavy acoustic felt is used to separate the heavy lead sheet from the cabinetry. A further layer of heavy acoustic felt is placed over the lead and the entire sandwich is stapled to the walls of the cabinet. This result is what is effectively a box within a box. Wrapping the outside of the speaker is similar to knocking on a brick. This totally inert cabinet construction results in the ultimate sound reproduction.
The Warranty on all Osborn Loudspeakers is 5 years for parts and Labour.
Typical Owners Feedback. (We have never had a negative feedback)
Grand Epitome Reference Speakers
Viren Khatri, Sydney, Australia.
Dear Greg,
As you're aware I've been using the Osborn Epitome Grand Reference now for about 6 months on a regular basis, thus I thought I'd give you an update as to their ongoing performance.
During the last 6 months many guests have had the privilege of auditioning the speakers in our living room, and to date no one has left disappointed, all who have listened, have gone away thinking their own systems pail into insignificance when compared to the sounds emanating from the Osborns. The entire audio spectrum is fabulous with a definite sense of authority, which was completely absent from my last set of speakers. The bass is incredibly deep and powerful, not in a overpowering way, but entirely dependant on the quality of the recording. If the CD was recorded with heavy bass then that bass translates to the listening experience. The top end (Tweeter) is so clear that listening to any other speaker now just makes me want to leave the room. Greg, That tweeter is one of a kind, it should be mandatory on your entire speaker line-up, cost aside.
The colour of the Speaker has settled in nicely, Tasmanian Blackwood is superb and complements the room beautifully, in fact a few guests have made a comment to that effect.
On a final note, I've come to recognise the only weak point in my system, now stems from my old Musical Fidelity CD player. Once, enough spare entertainment funds are available, the Audio Aero Capitole 24/192 CD player will complete the musical experience.
The Epitome's are truly magnificent, I've heard many speakers systems over the last few years, but the last six months only vindicate my selection choice.
Yours Sincerely,
Viren Khatri.
Grand Epitome Reference Speakers
Murray Ellison. NSW, Australia
Hi Greg,
It has been eleven (11) days since I took delivery of your magnificent speakers. They really are a revelation in just how much I have been missing in fine musical detail from my previous speakers. The clear separation of individual instruments and notes is truly amazing. I certainly now understand the term “want to listen longer”, it certainly applies to your speakers.
My wife and I are both extremely pleased with the Grand Epitome Reference speakers. The ‘look’, fit and finish of these speakers is truly world class and they are certainly comparable with any hi-class piece of furniture. How do we think they sound? Beautifully natural and ‘life-like’ is the impression that best describes how we feel about them. The sound stage and imaging these speakers impart is a wonderfully soothing experience, it is though you are ‘there’ listening to a live performance. We find ourselves listening with a smile! ( to think they will only get better – awesome!)
I can honestly say “we are proud to own them”. It has been a pleasure dealing with you Greg.
Murray Ellison.